My Story


Making art has been a way of life, time slows down and you are able to experience harmony and balance. Absorbing the energy through nature, your own peaceful retreat.

Whimsical compositions overflowing with meditative strokes dancing around the canvas. Rich earthy texture touching soft welcoming transparent color that invoke mental calmness. The fluid washes of watercolor like motion leave it open to the imagination.



 My earliest memory of painting….. I was just a little girl. My grandfather brought out these paint by numbers and some old oil paint he pulled out of his tool shop. We painted right on the kitchen table. I have always enjoyed all forms of art and design while watching my grandmother bake, quilt and to this day we continue to talk about life.

 Growing up, my parents and two younger sisters would go camping and canoe down the river every summer, in which that became a ritual. Creedence Clearwater, Rolling Stones, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac and many more were our parents Jam! That music still brings me back to those days……


My sister and I wearing our favorite hats


The 3 of us plus our mom, I think our dad was in another paddle boat/ my moms sunglasses, she is styling...

Our dad loved to dance...this was me in my lovely attire 2 stepping with the best.

This was me painting our 1920's fixer upper gingerbread house (we called it) I may have been 7

I think I was maybe 8 here, helping paint our 1920's fixer upper! We called it the gingerbread house (Our parents painted it a pinky salmon color)


I found my love for painting in 2004/2005. In the beginning I was more into perfection, tighter and super detailed (who wants that anyways). As time went on my art become more fluid, looser. The hours of patience and dedication it takes to be an artist, more importantly everything I have learned about myself throughout the process.

Every time I pick up a paintbrush, I feel a sense of accomplishment with each piece. Some are not soo great (well I guess it depends on the viewer) and the ones that I love I put on here for you to hopefully connect to. It is such an honor and blessing to hear the STORIES that have been shared with me when one of my paintings has arrived in it's new home :)

We lost our mom in May 2013 due to a tragic accident, she was a beautiful soul and always one of my biggest supporters. I know she is still supporting me now.... When I paint I think of her often and feel the free spirit that we saw in her and is expressed in my artwork. 

Our Dad passed in June 2020 due to Cancer. He was able to fix almost anything, which was awesome! He was always there for his 3 daughters, no matter what we asked for. He moved my sister Michelle so many times and looked like the Clampetts from the Beverly Hillbillies. There are a couple photos  somewhere. (it was pretty funny)

Having great parents... not everyone will get to experience and I Treasure those moments.

Living with love and purpose is essential. I paint art that makes me feel alive and I hope it makes you feel the same way!!